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Animals Administered a Hazardous Substance Requiring Containment
Entry and Exiting Animal Housing Areas
Approved Enrichment Items - Frogs
Aquatics Facilities – Are You Inspection Ready? Checklist
Amphibian and Reptile Care and Information Sheets
Amphibians: Guidelines for the Breeding, Care and Management of Laboratory Animals (1974)
Animal Housing Standards (2014)
Anesthesia and Sedation Monitoring Guidelines
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are step-by-step, detailed descriptions of how specific animal care and use procedures are performed.

Entry and Exiting Animal Housing Areas

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Informational tools to help guide you through specific animal care and use tasks.

Animal Housing Standards (2014)

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Suggested parameters and sets of instructions outlining best practices and standards for accomplishing specific animal care and use research duties.

Anesthesia and Sedation Monitoring Guidelines

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