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Animal Space

Includes animal housing rooms or any animal procedure room that can also be used as animal housing space.

Animal Treatment Check-off Sheet

A full-page form which lists an animal's treatments over time, with areas for treatments to be checked off and initialed as they are completed. This is one method for documenting treatments.

Animal Treatment Report (ATR)

A form completed by husbandry personnel requesting veterinary personnel to examine the animal(s).  ATRs can be submitted either in paper format or electronically, depending on the species involved.

Animal Use Protocol (AUP)

Animal Use Protocol. A detailed description of the proposed use of laboratory animals. Approved by the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC).


A pharmaceutical used to destroy and eliminate intestinal parasites.

Anthelmintic Resistance

A term used to describe an intestinal parasite which is not 90% cleared following treatment with a specific anthelmintic.


An antibody administered for short-term neutralization of a bacterial toxin.


Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. APHIS is the agency within the USDA responsible for enforcing the Animal Welfare Act. The USDA receives its authority through federal law (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7 and 9). Veterinary Medical Officers enforcing the 7 and 9 CFRs inspect research organizations at least annually.

Appropriate Blood Collection Age and Size

Animals must be > 6 weeks of age AND > 15 grams for blood collection. This is due to the fact that animals need to be at least 6 weeks of age to appropriately develop antibodies to exposed pathogens; in addition, at least 25µg of blood is needed for dried blood spot technology. Alternatively, PCR test on environmental swabs, tissues, or feces can be performed.

Aquatic System

A housing system used for aquatic species that shares a common water source and life support system


Aqueous Adjuvant

An adjuvant that uses water or physiologic saline as its background.


Animal Surgery Operating Rooms; a division of the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine.


A machine used to sterilize items through the use of a combination of steam and pressure. Cycles should achieve a minimum temperature of 250°F as listed on the autoclave print out when the cycle is complete.

Autoclave Tape

Tape containing ink which indicates if an elevated temperature has been reached during an autoclave cycle. It should be noted that a change in color of the autoclave tape does not verify that the autoclave contents have been sterilized.

Autoclave Test Strip

A specialized visual indicator used to evaluate the effectiveness of an autoclave sterilization cycle. These strips provide a more reliable evaluation than the use of autoclave tape and do not require incubation.


Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations (also known as "AWAR" or "AWA/AWR") are a set of standards for the humane care and treatment of mammals (except laboratory-bred rats and mice) involved in activities at government-registered research institutions. 
