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A visual system using the color of the conjunctiva of sheep to assess the need for deworming, via the severity of anemia, to aid in prevention of anthelmintic resistance.


Federation of Animal Science Societies.


Food & Drug Administration. The United States (U.S.) Food & Drug Administration is a government agency responsible for the regulation of a variety of biomedical and animal research-related products, including:

  • Prescription and non-prescription drugs
  • Biologics
  • Medical devices
  • Electronic products that give off radiation
  • Veterinary products

Fish Water

Water coming from the fish racks; safe for use on all equipment coming in contact with fish.

Flank Gland (Hamster)

Syrian hamsters have flank glands on the dorsum, near the level of the hip, that appear as darkly pigmented areas. Flank glands are more prominent in males than in females and can be mistaken for a lesion.

Flocked Swab

Cotton applicator with a single tip that is used to swipe against exhaust plenums or caging.

Fly Strike

Maggot infestation of sheep wool and skin.


A receptacle attached to a hose that allows disinfectant and water to combine at specific dilutions and can be directed at a specified location for sanitization.

Food and Water Consumption Chart (Food Chart)

An electronic form for recording the amount of food and water provided and consumed by an animal in a given day. This form is typically initiated and monitored by veterinary technicians for those animals that have a clinical concern for the over- or under- consumption of food and/or water. It may be initiated by other University personnel as well.

Food and/or Water Restriction Records

A record maintained by investigative personnel that includes:

Food Cache

Food in a secure or hidden storage place (e.g. buried under the bedding).

Food Chewer

Mice or rats who consistently chew or shred chow; this behavior causes the bottom of the cage floor to be filled with excessive amounts of food dust and/or chunks.

Food or Water Manipulation

A change in the composition of the normally offered food or water. This can include addition or deletion of a nutrient in an animal diet and/or addition of a compound, medication or other substance to the food or drinking water provided to the animal.

Food or Water Restriction

A limitation placed on an animal's access to food or water. It can be described in terms of either the amount of food or water provided on a daily basis (volume or weight) or the amount of time daily that an animal is given access to food and/or water.

Foot Rot

A colloquial term for infection of the skin between the digits that may extend to the hoof wall. Foot rot is caused by coinfection with two bacteria, Dichelobacter nodosus and Fusobacterium necrophorum, and is a common cause of lameness in sheep.

Found Animal

Any mouse or rat found loose, or found in unlabeled cages within procedure or cage wash areas.


Mesh circular filter on each medium and large fish tank; keeps fish in tank while water and waste flow out; available in 3 different sizes.


Many materials commonly used during animal use procedures are combustible. Some examples include endotracheal tubes, eye lubricants, towels, drapes, dressings, gauze, sponges, whiskers, skin, and fur.

Fur Mites

Myocoptes musculinisMyobia musculiRadfordia affinis, and Radfordia ensifera are different species of fur mites that can infest rodents.