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Magnahelic Gauge

An instrument that displays the relative pressure of a room.

Major Recovery Surgery

A surgical intervention that penetrates a body cavity (i.e. cranial, thoracic, abdominal, synovial, pelvic, ocular or orbital, skeletal, joint or bone marrow), involves extensive tissue dissection or transection, or has the potential for producing a substantial impairment of a physical or physiological function.

Examples of major survival surgeries include:

  • Tendon/ligament repair or injury
  • Ovariohysterectomy
  • All --otomies (e.g., lararotomy, tracheotomy) and --ectomies
  • -Oscopies that involve incision (e.g., laparascopy)
  • Implantation of central devices
  • Amputation
  • Enucleation
  • Eye surgery involving corneal incision
  • Central cannulation (central approach)
  • Musculoskeletal system repair, injury, or biopsy
  • Extensive tissue dissection/transection (e.g., nerve or muscle cut-down)

Some surgeries may be classified as major or minor depending on various factors, and may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  • Factors that can influence the classification may include the duration of anesthesia, size and location of the incisions, amount of tissue dissection and characteristics of the animal to undergo surgery.

Master Problem List

A list of an animal's health problems that serves as an index to its permanent medical record. It includes each problem, and the dates each was noted and resolved.

McMaster Test

A diagnostic method to provide quantification of intestinal parasite eggs in feces, reported as eggs per gram (EPG).

Medical materials

Consumable supplies used to assist in medical or research procedures. Examples include gauze, syringes, latex gloves, and catheters.

Medical Surveillance Questionnaire

All personnel must be enrolled in the Animal Handler Medical Surveillance Program if they will perform the following tasks:

  1. Handles, restrains, collects specimens from, or administers substances to, live vertebrate animals.
  2. Does not conduct procedures on live animals, but handles animal waste, "unfixed" animal tissues, non-sanitized animal caging/enclosures, or body fluids.
  3. Observes animals or enters animal facility only. No direct contact with animals: inspector, maintenance personnel, etc.

Departments with personnel that meet the requirements of the program will be notified by the eRAM system to complete the Medical Surveillance Questionnaire.


A biological process by which some animals, including amphibians, undergo extreme and rapid physical changes sometime after the birth. For aquatic frogs, the tail and gills are reabsorbed and the head shrinks.


Mouse Hepatitis Virus.

Micro-isolation (MI) Technique

Micro-isolation techniques for rodent cages involve creating controlled environments to house and maintain laboratory rodents, such as mice or rats, in conditions that minimize the risk of external contamination and ensure the animals' health and the validity of experimental results. These techniques include, but not limited to:

  • Working in a laminar flow hood when opening animal cages and handling animals.
  • Housing animals within specially designed isolator caging units.
  • Providing sterilized food, bedding, and environmental enrichment.

Micro-isolator (MI) Top

Micro-isolator (MI) top; used as a cover on rodent cages to prevent contamination within the cage.

Microbiological Sampling

A sample type used for testing to determine whether a colony is contaminated.

Mill Date

Date that the food was formulated by the manufacturer.

Miniature Breed Pig

Pig breeds typically developed or purpose-bred for research that, when fully grown, remain smaller than 200 lbs. Common examples include Yucatan micro- or mini-pigs, Sinclair minipigs, Hanford minipigs, and Gottingen minipigs


Any person under the age of 18.

Minor Recovery Surgery

A surgical intervention that does not expose a body cavity or that does not ordinarily have the potential to result in impairment of a vital physical or physiological function.

Examples of minor survival surgeries include:

  • Cranial burr holes that do not expose dura or brain
  • Subcutaneous implants
  • Peripheral vessel cannulation (peripheral approach)
  • Castration (scrotal or prescrotal approach)
  • Oral surgery and tooth extractions not involving bone
  • -Oscopies into natural openings that involve biopsy
  • Small digit or tail amputation
  • Surgical repair of superficial injury


Minute Mouse Virus.


A severely debilitated state that precedes imminent death.


Mouse Parvovirus.


Medical Sciences Building


Medical Science Auxiliary Building


Medical Science Research Building


Mobile shelving unit.

Multimodal Analgesia

Multimodal analgesia is defined as a combination of systemic analgesics, like an NSAID and an opioid, or a combination of a systemic analgesic/s and a local anesthetic.