# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Rabbit Kit

A rabbit from birth to approximately 6 weeks of age and still with their mother.


A viral disease transmitted from animals (e.g. dogs, cats, ferrets, skunks, bats, raccoons) to other animals or humans. Rabies infects the central nervous system, ultimately causing disease in the brain and death if early treatment is not provided. It is transmitted into bite wounds, open cuts in skin, or onto mucous membranes from saliva or other infectious material (e.g. neural tissue).


Shelving unit or any other unit used to house animals and/or supplies. All racks should be identified with stenciled numbers/letters placed in the upper right hand corner of the rack. Side A and Side B will be labeled.

Random Source Cat (Class B Dealers)

Class B Cats are no longer used by the University of Michigan except under specific circumstances. In the event that they are used, a veterinarian will be consulted to determine which specific quarantine, conditioning, and handling procedures will be followed. Note: additional attention may be required for parasite control, vaccinations, and housing when dealing with Class B Cats.

Random Source Dogs (Class B Dealers)

Class B Dogs are no longer used by the University of Michigan except under specific circumstances. In the event that they are used, a veterinarian will be consulted to determine which specific quarantine, conditioning, and handling procedures will be followed. Note: additional attention may be required for parasite control, vaccinations, and housing when dealing with Class B Dogs. 


Research Compliance Associate.


Refinement & Enrichment Advancements Laboratory; a division of the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine.

Recommended Records

Those records that are not mandated (unless described in the protocol). However, generating and maintaining these records is highly recommended.

  • Experimentally induced disease/research records
  • Breeding records

Record of Disposition

A record of the death, euthanasia, transfer, sale, adoption, or donation of an animal.

Records from Vendor

Health information/medical history that arrives with the animal. This is incorporated into the animal's permanent medical record.

Recovery Period

The period of time in which an animal is recovering from anesthesia. The animal may still be heavily sedated, but the procedure or surgery has been completed and, when applicable, the animal has reached a point that they can be safely extubated. The recovery period ends when the animal is completely awake and can maintain sternal recumbency on its own.


Administration of substances into the rectum.

Red or Contaminated Rooms

Animals in rooms known to be contaminated with a virus, parasite or bacteria. Red sign indicates the contamination status and is placed on the door.


Re-pairing two non-human primates who had previously been housed together but were separated for various reasons (study purposes, medical issues, etc.).

Relative Humidity (rH)

A measure for the amount of water vapor in the air.

Replicate Organism Detection and Counting (RODAC)

Agar plate used to detect and quantify the presence of microorganisms.


Reports are verbal or written notices of concern relating to aspects of the U-M Animal Care & Use Program. Reports are not limited to allegations of noncompliance and may be associated with, for example, an adverse event.


Procedures that begin with (REQ) indicates the procedure is required to be followed by all ULAM personnel and laboratories providing internal daily husbandry care. All other procedures not beginning with (REQ) are still required to be followed by ULAM personnel but may not be adopted by laboratories providing internal daily husbandry care.

Required Records

Those records that must be maintained by investigative personnel:

  • Health/group health records are required if the laboratory personnel are performing any part of the monitoring and care of a non-research-related clinical condition under the direction of the veterinary staff.
  • Surgical/anesthetic/sedation records are required for all animals undergoing those procedures.
  • Post-operative monitoring records are required for all animals undergoing survival surgery.
  • Tumor monitoring records must be maintained as described in the animal use protocol for all animals with experimentally induced tumors
  • Food and water restriction records are required for all animals undergoing such restriction as per the animal use protocol and the Guidelines on Experimental Food or Water Restriction or Manipulation in Laboratory Animals.
  • Records of disposition are required for all cats and dogs.

Research Cause

A condition the lab is expecting or occurs due to their study.


Receptacle that is part of the Chlori-Flush station that holds the bleach solution.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

Public law that includes the proper management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal.

Restraint Devices

A device used to physically restrain an animal. Examples of devices used to physically restrain animals include, but are not limited to:

  • Chair
  • Mist Net
  • Rodent Restrainers (e.g., tube, Decapicone)
  • Sling (e.g., Panepinto)
  • Stall/Stanchion
  • Unconventional tethering - tethering that suspends the rear legs above the cage floor or short tethering that actually restricts movement
  • Wrap

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water

A water purification technology that uses a semipermeable membrane to remove ions, molecules and larger particles from drinking water; safe for use with frogs and fish. Salt will be added to this water to ensure appropriate conductivity levels as described above

RHST Veterinary Resident

The veterinary resident who is currently assigned to the RHST.

Rodent Export Coordinator

The member of the ULAM Rodent Health Surveillance Team responsible for coordinating the export of rodents to other institutions or commercial vendors.

Rodent Health Surveillance Team (RHST)

Personnel responsible for maintaining and verifying healthy colony status within ULAM and laboratory managed rodent colonies. Email address: [email protected]


Rat Parvovirus.