Detailed informational document prepared by the manufacturer of a hazardous chemical describing the physical and chemical properties of the chemical.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
To reduce the number of bacterial contaminants on an object or surface.
SCID Mouse
Severe Combined Immunodeficient mouse that has no T or B Cells.
Sedated Physical Examination
Complete examination performed while the non-human primate is sedated.
Central depression causing stupor where the animal is unaware of its surroundings but still responsive to painful procedures.
Self-Latching Alarm
An alarm that is remembered by a sensor after it has been activated. The Dräger sensor does not remember the alarm once the concentration reaches 0 PPM and would be non-self-latching.
Serious Noncompliance
Serious noncompliance is any noncompliant event that has a negative impact on the welfare of an animal and/or human, and/or is in direct conflict with federal standards governing animal activities, including provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Program. For more information, please see Appendix 1 of the Policy on Investigating Noncompliance and Animal Welfare Concerns.
Severe Combined Immunodeficient (SCID)
Animals that are deficient in B and T lymphocytes.
Objects or devices having acute rigid corners, points, or edges capable of causing injury.
Short-Term Personnel
Short-Term Personnel are defined as individuals participating in a research or learning activity for 30 or fewer consecutive days (1 month) or 15 or fewer total days over a six-month period. The intent of the Short-Term Personnel Role is to:
- Permit an educational event, such as a visiting scientist sharing procedural knowledge or a summer student doing a rotation.
- Allow for training of personnel approved on one U-M IACUC approved protocol to receive training on procedures described on another U-M IACUC approved protocol. This may occur if the individuals providing the training are:
- Approved as personnel on the U-M IACUC protocol that describes the procedure(s) being performed,
- Proficient at the procedure(s) being performed, and
- Providing constant supervision of the individual(s) receiving the training.
The intent of the Short-Term Personnel role is NOT to fill employment gaps.
Fodder, such as hay or corn, converted into succulent feed for livestock through processes of anaerobic bacterial fermentation (as in a silo).
Single Incident
In the event more than one issue is identified during a Quality Assurance visit, those issues collectively will be considered a single incident.
Small Animal
Mammals ranging in size from mouse to rabbit, typically housed in cages on racks.
Small Ruminant
Sheep and goats.
Social Housing Records
All records pertaining to the introduction of new pairs or groups, regular observations of stable groups/pairs, and animals exempt from social housing.
Social Species
Species regarded as highly interactive with members of their same species and whose psychological well-being is associated with social interactions. Examples of social species include, but are not limited to, canines, primates, rodents, rabbits, sheep, and swine.
Special Treatment or Procedure (SToP) Form
A form that indicates special procedure differing from standard operating procedure (SOP). These are typically placed on the inside of the animal room door. See Request for Special Treatment or Procedure (SToP) Form for more information.
Specific Pathogen Free (SPF)
Animals which are free of the specific pathogens tested for in the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine's Rodent Health Surveillance Program.
Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) Agricultural Swine
Swine not raised specifically for use in biomedical research but for human consumption. These swine have been raised in a closed colony, with routine veterinary oversight and specific pathogen monitoring, and have a known vaccination history. These animals may still develop clinical infections, especially from those pathogens for which they are not "specifically free."
Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) Purpose-Bred Swine
Swine raised specifically for use in biomedical research, obtained from commercial vendors or another research colony. These swine are free of specific bacteria, viruses, and/or parasites, as delineated by the vendor.
Manufactured from filamentous blue-green algae; provided to babies.
Spontaneous Cause
A condition that is not research related.
Spor-Klenz RTU®
A disinfectant containing hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid. It is bactericidal, tuberculocidal, virocidal, and fungicidal. Dilute before use.
Stable Pair
A pair of non-human primates that are considered compatible with no known aggressiveness, human interventions or separations.
Static Tanks
Tanks used for housing frogs and fish that are not on the recirculating system. Requires manual water drain.
To eliminate all forms of microbial life (e.g., autoclave, ethylene oxide sterilization, vaporized hydrogen peroxide sterilization).
Sticky Swab
A double-tipped applicator that is used to swipe against exhaust plenums of caging. These swabs have one end that is sticky (pink) and another that is cotton. Only the pink, sticky end of these swabs is used.
Streptozotocin (STZ)
An antitumor/antibiotic compound isolated from Streptomyces achromogenes with potent toxicity to beta islet cells of the pancreas.
Substances are all chemicals, drugs, experimental compounds, vehicles, etc. applied in or on an animal as part of the research activities, other than drugs used as anesthetics, analgesics, sedatives, tranquilizers, and/or neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA).
Surgical Plane of Anesthesia
The stage of anesthesia in which the animal is at an appropriate anesthetic depth and the surgical procedure can begin.
Surgical/Anesthetic/Sedation Record
A record maintained by investigative personnel that includes:
- The surgery or procedure performed
- The date performed
- Anesthetic agent administered, including route, dose, and time/frequency
- Any other drugs given (e.g. analgesics, antibiotics, reversal agents, etc.), including route, dose, and frequency
- Anesthetic monitoring parameters (e.g. temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, etc.)
- Specific requirements for surgical records can be found in these ULAM documents:
Survival Surgery
A survival surgery is one in which the animal awakes from anesthetic following a surgical procedure, even if for a short period of time.
System Water
Water coming from frog/fish racks; safe for use on all equipment coming in contact with frogs/fish of that system.
Systemic Analgesic
A systemic analgesic is a drug that provides pain relief to the entire body.