Steven L. Kunkel, Ph.D.
Interim Chief Scientific Officer, Michigan Medicine
Interim Executive Vice Dean for Research, Medical School
Senior Associate Dean for Research, Medical School
DATE: July 1, 2019
SUBJECT: Updated Grant Submission Deadline
Recently, the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP) described a new policy regarding the submission of grant proposals to take effect January, 2020. The policy requires proposals arrive at ORSP, after approval by the Dean’s office and finalization in the eRPM system by the project team, no later than 15 business hours before the sponsor’s deadline to be guaranteed submission to the sponsor on time.
At this opportunity, we have reviewed and updated the language from our 2006 policy to be more simply stated.
We request all proposals be submitted to the Grant Services & Analysis Office ten (10) business days prior to the sponsor’s proposal deadline.
This is the same date that has been in place for approximately eight years, but rephrased to be inclusive of all the time required at ORSP for submission. The Grant Services & Analysis (GS&A) Deadline Calculator is available to help you determine the exact date for your submission.
The GS&A staff will work with you to address any compliance or resource issues that may arise. Meeting the requested timetable will give staff sufficient time to review your proposal and enough time for delivery to ORSP by their deadline date, regardless of proposal type. All faculty and departments are expected to meet the Medical School deadline.
We will continue to review all proposals, regardless of when received. These proposals will be processed in the order received, and reviewed as quickly as possible based on staff availability. Proposals received in less than the 10 business day time period may be less likely to meet the ORSP deadline for submission and may cause the project to be considered “at risk” under ORSP policy.
Our goal remains to ensure that every opportunity is available for faculty to complete the scientific portion of their grant application. We will continue to review and approve based on the "administrative shell" of the proposal in our office. The Medical School’s administrative shell includes all the sponsor’s form pages, as well as pages which require documentation of institutional commitments such as financial support, effort, or space on behalf of the principal investigator or co-investigators.