Studies transitioning (at SCR or during AME) from an existing regulated application must meet the eligibility criteria cited below. (Initial applications are not eligible for Exemption 7)
To qualify for Exemption 7, studies must:
- Pose no more than minimal risk to subjects,
- Undertake no activity other than analysis of a single data set containing identifiable data
- Must not include any of the following:
- Federal funding or federal training grants (director prime sponsorship)
- FDA regulated components
- Sponsor or other contractual restrictions
- Clinical research interventions(including behavioral interventions)
- Previous restrictions on data use(e.g.,data use agreements, previous informed consent restrictions)
- Receipt of an NIH issued Certificate of Confidentiality to protect identifiable research data
All other regulatory requirements pertaining to exemptions remain unchanged. IRBMED retains the right to not issue the Exempt 7 determination in certain circumstances.