This section describes the process by which the University’s Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) policies, including the IRBMED policies, are developed, approved, and implemented, and articulates minimum requirements for IRBMED SOPs and Policies.
I. Rulemaking at the University of Michigan is divided three ways…
A. General Provisions
B. Organization and Personnel (Chairs, Members and Staff)
1. IRB Composition, Rosters, and Meeting Procedures
a) IRB Chairs and Co-Chairs
b) IRB Members
c) IRB Staff
d) IRB Meetings
e) IRBMED Meeting Schedules and Format
(1) Meeting Cancellation
(2) Ad Hoc Meetings
(3) Alternate Board Meeting Format
f) Agendas & Review Items
g) Convened Meetings
h) IRBMED Meeting Minutes
(1) Content Requirements
(2) Review and Ratification Process
2. Use of IRB Consultants
3. Alternate IRB Members
4. IRB Educational and Training Activities
a) Orientation of IRB Members
b) Orientation of IRB Staff
c) Orientation of IRBMED Chairs
d) Continuing Education for IRB Members and Office Staff
e) Researcher Education
5. IRB Compensation and Liability Coverage
a) Compensation of Chairs
b) Compensation of Committee Members
c) Periodic Review of Compensation
d) Liability Coverage
6. Evaluations of IRB Chairs, Members, Staff and Regular Consultants
a) Chairs and Member Performance Review
b) Removal of a Chair or Member from an IRB
c) IRB Staff Performance Review
d) Regular Consultant Performance Review
7. Conflicts of Interest involving Chairs, Members, Consultants and Staff
a) Financial Disclosures
b) Conflicts of Interest with Research Involving Chairs and Members
c) Conflicts of Interest with Research Involving IRB Staff
d) Conflicts of Interest Involving Consultants
e) Conflicts of Interest Involving Guests
f) Conflicts of Interest Involving a Convened Board
g) Conflicts of Interest Involving Single Member Review and Expedited Review
h) Conflicts of Interest Involving the Institution
C. IRB Review Policies and Procedures
1. IRB Jurisdiction and Authority
a) Human Subjects Research Studies Reviewed by the IRB
b) Authority of the IRB to Approve, Disapprove or Require Modification to a Study
c) Authority of the IRB to Suspend, Terminate or Place Restrictions on a Study
d) Not-Regulated projects, Research without U-M Engagement, and Exempt Research
(1) Not-Regulated
(2) Research without U-M engagement
(3) Exempt
e) International Research
(1) Federally Supported
(2) Non-Federally Supported
(3) IRBMED Requirements
(4) IRBMED Review
(5) Monitoring
2. Institutional Approval/Disapproval of IRB Decisions
3. Submission of IRB Applications and Reports
4. General IRB Review and Approval Procedures
a) Determining Whether and Under What Authority the Research is Regulated
b) Reviewing IRB Applications….per 45 CFR 46.111 and 21 CFR 56.111 and 21 CFR 50
(1) Information Required for IRB Review
(2) Review Process / Primary Reviewers
(3) Timeliness of Submissions and Reviews
(4) Notice and Appeal of IRB Determinations
c) Frequency of Review
d) Monitoring and Verification by IRB
e) Reporting Changes in Research to IRBMED (Amendments)
f) Preventing Lapses in IRB Approval
5. Expedited Review
a) Expedited Review of Minor Changes
b) Expedited Reviewers
c) Expedited Review Determinations
d) Requirements for Continuing Review
e) Limitations of Use of Expedited Review
6. Criteria for IRBMED Approval [1] [2]
a) Scientific Merit and Feasibility
b) Minimizing Risk: 45 CFR 46.111(a)(1)
c) Risk-Benefit Analysis
d) Equitable Subject Selection: 45 CFR 46.111(a)(3)
e) Informed Consent and Parental Permission
(1) General Requirements
(2) Short Form ICD
(3) Informed Consent Waivers, Alterations, Exceptions and Substitutions
(4) Research Subject to Both HHS and FDA Regulations
(5) Research Subject to HIPAA Regulations
f) Data Monitoring
(1) Considerations for the Imposition of Special Monitoring Requirements
(2) Examples of Special Monitoring Requirements
g) Privacy and Confidentiality Protection
h) Vulnerable Subjects
i) Test Article Accountability Procedures
j) Resources
7. IRBMED Review and Monitoring of FDA-Regulated Research
D. IRB Administrative Functions
1. IRBMED Meetings
a) Quorum requirements
b) Non-scientist and non-affiliated member requirements
c) Convened board voting procedures
d) Expedited review or subcommittee review
e) Conditional approval or deferral
f) Virtual meetings (refer to the section on Alternate Board Meeting Format)
2. Notification of Decisions
a) Written notification
b) Statement of the reasons in cases of disapproval
c) Notification of the IO or DIO and other institutional officials
3. IRB Response to Noncompliance, ORIOs and Other Required Reporting
4. IRB Records and Reports
E. Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement