The use of PPE is mandated when working with animals used for research, teaching or testing. The required PPE for each circumstance is based on an Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) risk assessment that takes into account the type and quantity of hazardous materials present, engineering control measures in place, and administrative controls to reduce exposure.
When determining appropriate PPE, animal handlers must:
- Reference information provided in the Animal Handler PPE Chart;
- Adhere to the EHS safety findings outlined in the eRAM protocol workspace;
- Adhere to the room specific PPE requirements posted at the entrance; and
- Adhere to PPE recommendations, as determined by EHS in consultation with Occupational Health Services (OHS), based on personal medical history.
It is the responsibility of all personnel entering an area to engage in the appropriate use of PPE. EHS representatives are available to assist with training for personnel, but the primary responsibility for ensuring personnel are trained on the appropriate use of PPE lies with the principal investigator or, for ULAM personnel, the area supervisor.
Research conducted in the field presents unique situations and requires appropriate planning. Strategies for ensuring proper protection in the field must follow EHS recommendations. EHS provides guidance for field researchers on their website ( and is available for individual consultation.