UPDATE - December 2023. This page is out of date and should be considered archived. Please consult the new guidance page Secondary Use Research.
When requesting records the requestor must be listed on the approved IRB, provide the IRB# and approval letter. Medical record requests for research/review will be imaged and viewable in CareWeb. Health Information Management will generally image 10 records per customer per day. Imaged records will be available after 48 hours. Additionally, microfiched record requests will be viewable on the microfiche reader at NCAC upon request.
If the Study Team member who will be accessing records is not listed on the currently approved IRB application the person must be added. Study team members in the role of staff, consultant, or other can be added by using the "Edit Study Team Members" button in eResearch. Study team members with the role of PI, Co-I, Study Coordinator, Project Manager, or Faculty Advisor must be modified via submission of a standard eResearch.
Principal Investigators are reminded that it is their responsibility to assure all non-key personnel with access to subjects or to identifiable private information have completed the Human Subjects module in PEERRS.
When requesting charts for study or review call 734-936-5343 or e-mail HIM-RACU Record Review.