Textured cardboard. May be placed inside the chick housing area to provide a solid standing surface for chicks.
Cage Board
Cage Card
3"x 5" index card affixed to the exterior of the cage that includes identifying information for the animals housed within. Cage cards may be white, yellow, pink, blue.
- White cage cards indicate animals ordered from a vendor (for new arrivals) or animals separated from another cage.
- Yellow cage cards indicate breeding cages. Info includes litter birth dates, litter weaning dates, and pup deaths.
- Pink cage cards are on cages of weaned female litters or female animals.
- Blue cage cards are on cages of weaned male litters or male animals.
A large glass or plastic bottle.
An agent capable of causing cancer.
Cat Scratch Disease
A bacterial disease transmitted from cats to humans usually via a bite or scratch that can cause a range of clinical signs in humans (lymph node enlargement to sepsis; skin lesions in AIDS patients). This disease is usually caused by Bartonella henselae or Bartonella quintana which are organisms found in the oral cavity of most cats.
Coleman Hall
Process for decontaminating a housing room after a contamination that may involve changing cage components, replacing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other items stored in the room. See Procedures section 6 of the Room Sanitization SOP for change-out requirements for each type of contamination.
Chemical Reaction
Occurs when all three elements are present in the right combination to sustain a fire.
Chlori-Flush Station
Unit located in clean side cage wash used to flush water lines of automatic watering racks to remove biofilm.
Chronic Use
Animal expected to remain at the University of Michigan facility for longer than seven days.
To remove visible soil (organic and inorganic material) from objects and surfaces.
Clean Side Cage Wash Operator
AFSCME employee working in the clean side room of a cage facility.
A mixture of sodium chlorite, chlorous acid and chlorine dioxide with anti-microbial and anti-viral disinfection properties. Dilute before use.
Clinical Case
A condition of an animal that is abnormal and may need to be reported to the veterinary team.
Clinical Condition Score (CCS)
Clinical Condition Score (CCS): A numeric representation of the severity of animal illness or injury.
0 |
No sufficient findings on physical exam. No action required; resolve. |
1 |
Mild, focal lesion. Animal is bright, alert, and responsive with no other significant findings. Monitor until resolved. |
2 |
Focal lesion that requires treatment and increased monitoring. Treatment may consist of primary interventions |
3 |
Animal shows signs of systemic illness (e.g. quiet, alert, responsive, decreased body condition score, dehydration, |
4 |
Animal is at protocol-specific or humane endpoint. Requires immediate action (e.g. veterinary consult, treatment, |
5 |
Animal is moribund and requires immediate euthanasia unless other arrangements have been formalized through |
Clinical Number
A unique identifying number assigned by ULAM personnel used to centralize information into complete medical records in a retrievable form. Clinical numbers may be assigned to an individual animal or a group of animals depending on the circumstance.
- Large animals receive an individual clinical number and is recorded on the cage card upon arrival.
- Rodents receive a clinical number assigned per cage if a clinical concern is reported to the veterinary personnel.
- ##### is a unique identifier for that animal
- The format for all species is CLN########.
The posterior part of the intestinal tract of birds.
The column on the animal room sheet where daily notations can be made for items that are not listed within the body of the room sheet nor on the bottom of the page.
Conditioning Phase
First phase of a cycle that allows the VHP machine to equilibrate and warm up, usually lasting about 10 minutes.
Ability of a material to conduct an electric current - opposite of resistance. Recommended level 500 - 2000 µS. Optimal range varies per species.
Containment Room
A room in which animals administered a hazardous substance (as determined through EHS review) are contained utilizing special practices and procedures to minimize risk of exposure to personnel.
Containment Room Entry Sign
Room entry sign specific for containment housing locations that includes both the chemical and infectious hazard symbols, contact information for ULAM, and the appropriate PPE required to enter the room
Conventional Animals
Animals with an undetermined microbiological status; animals are raised and maintained under standard conditions.
Cost Center
Areas within an animal facility to which direct and indirect costs are assigned. For the purpose of the Technician Time Charge Report, technicians are instructed to use housing categories listed on the cage card barcode sticker.
Continuous rate of infusion.
Possessing ability to exert toxic effects on a cell.
The female parent of an animal.
Deactivation Box
Designated location or box for placing barcodes that need to be deactivated. Typically found in the animal room or by the area supervisor's office.
Dead Animal Log
A sheet hung in each rodent animal room to record population changes resulting from weaned/adult rodent deaths.
Death Notification
A special treatment or procedure in which the laboratory personnel would like to be contacted after an animal is found dead or euthanized by ULAM staff.
To remove a known contaminant.
Dedicated Work Uniform (DWU)
Clothing that is designated as personal protective equipment (PPE), not worn outside of the work setting, and laundered using in-house facilities or by a professional laundry service.
Examples include lab coats and scrubs used as PPE.
Delivery Schedule
Schedule describing specific arrival dates outlining the areas, room locations, PI information, account #, protocol #, source, strain, sex, number of animals to be received and any special requests are noted in the comments section.
The triangle symbol means change. It is used most commonly to refer to either a change all recorded as " ∆620;" two times change recorded as "2 x ∆ 620."
Department of Public Safety & Security (DPSS)
Unit that conducts all police and security operations at U-M Ann Arbor campus and on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Depopulated Room
A room that is not presently occupied with animals.
Inflammation of the skin.
Diet Gel 76A
A nutritionally fortified dietary supplement, combining hydration and nutrition in a single serving. Ideal for supporting general health, breeding, and compromised animals in research settings.
An agent that dilutes or renders an active compound less potent or irritant. Example – 0.9% sterile saline or sterile water.
Dirty Side Cage Wash Operator
AFSCME employee working in the dirty side room of a cage facility.