Procedures for Canine Quarantine and Conditioning
Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine
Feb 24, 2023 12:00 am
Copy Generated on: March 10, 2025, 10:03 pm
To define the standard operating procedures for receiving, processing, quarantine, and pre-shipment conditioning of dogs for use in research.
- ULAM Husbandry and Veterinary Personnel: To accomplish these goals of quarantine fully and in complete compliance with federal law and University policy, ULAM will be responsible for all quarantine procedures of newly arrived dogs (unless previous arrangements have been made with the laboratory). This includes provision of all husbandry care and medical procedures (e.g., physical examinations and any diagnostic tests).
- ULAM Animal Ordering Services: Responsible to ensure that all requests for canine acquisitions be reviewed and approved by the ULAM veterinary and husbandry staff prior to placing the order.
Glossary Definitions
- Purpose-Bred Dog (Class A Dealers)
- A dog raised specifically for use in biomedical research. They are obtained from commercial vendors or from research colonies and raised in a laboratory setting away from general contact with other dogs harboring infectious diseases. These animals are clinically normal, have received vaccinations and anthelminthics for parasite control.
- Purpose-bred dogs may be used in experiments in which recovery from anesthesia is planned, such as recovery from surgical procedures, and for long-term experiments not involving anesthesia or surgery.
- Random Source Dogs(Class B Dealers)
- Class B Dogs are no longer used by the University of Michigan except under specific circumstances. In the event that they are used a veterinarian will be consulted to determine which of the procedures listed below will be followed. Note: additional attention may be required for parasite control, vaccinations and housing when dealing with Class B Dogs.
- Purpose-Bred Dog (Class A Dealers)
1. Arrival and Processing
- Initial Examination
- The veterinary technician performs a brief exam on all incoming dogs. Any dog which appears systemically ill upon arrival might be rejected at the dock after consultation with a ULAM veterinarian and the Principal Investigator (or other authorized laboratory personnel). Some signs that might indicate systemic illness in dogs can include respiratory difficulty, lameness, severe diarrhea, extensive skin lesions, etc.
- Any animal with mild or localized signs of disease not warranting immediate rejection may be accepted at the dock after contacting the investigator to determine if the identified condition will be treated or if such treatment will interfere with the planned study.
- If treatment is not authorized by the investigator, the dog is rejected and returned to the dealer.
- If treatment is approved by the investigator, the animal is accepted and an Animal Treatment Report (ATR) must be generated for that dog. A clinical veterinarian is notified and performs a thorough clinical examination within 24 hours, then institutes appropriate treatment for the condition.
- Authorized treatment, including veterinary technician time, supplies, and medications will be performed at the expense of the investigator.
- Close monitoring by the veterinary staff and appropriate communication with the investigator is recommended for these animals, as conditions for replacement or refund vary by vendor after initial acceptance.
- Any dog found to be aggressive toward people within the allowable return period and before any experimental manipulation has occurred, or severely aggressive toward other dogs on the dock is rejected and returned to the dealer.
- Identification
- The following information is recorded on the animal's cage card:
- Weight
- Sex
- Exercise category (cage category)
- USDA number - This number is found on an engraved tag attached to the collar, tattooed on the dog (usually inside the ear pinna), and on receiving paperwork (USDA paperwork and/or vendor health records).
- ULAM clinical identification number
- Date of birth, if available. For all dogs 9 months of age and younger, if the date of birth is not available the technician will estimate the age of the animal based on dentition and size and record this information on the back of the cage card.
- A collar may be placed on the dog for identification purposes. Alternatively, the collar could be placed on the dog's cage door. The collar must always accompany the dog if another method of identification is not used.
- All medical records received from the vendor should be appropriately filed by the veterinary technician as described:
- All medical records from the vendor are filed in the dog's permanent record.
- Veterinary technicians note due dates for rabies and distemper vaccines.
- The USDA paperwork is copied. The copy is filed in the dog's permanent record and the ORIGINAL is sent to IACUC for filing
- All medical records from the vendor are filed in the dog's permanent record.
- The following information is recorded on the animal's cage card:
- Physical Examinations
- All dogs are given a brief examination, and assigned a clinical number by the veterinary technician upon arrival. The veterinary technician will create a record including a physical exam form. They will notify the resident that a physical must be conducted within 7 business days.
- Within seven business days after arrival, a veterinarian performs a physical examination on all newly received dogs.
- At this time, the veterinarian should review all medical records received from the dealer to ensure that all minimum requirements have been met.
- After initial intake, refer to the ATR Completion and Handling SOP for appropriate procedures for any ill animal.
- Quarantine and Acclimation
- Dogs can be housed immediately in their permanent room and no official quarantine period is required. However, the animals should not be used in experiments for 48 hours in order to provide an appropriate acclimation period for recovery from transportation.
- Vaccination
- All purpose bred dogs are vaccinated by the supplier prior to shipment
2. Housing
- Dogs can be housed immediately in their permanent room.
- Dogs are exercised according to Dog Husbandry SOP.
3. Medical Treatments
- After initial routine in-processing, request investigator permission prior to initiation of any treatment. If possible, an understanding of treatment possibilities for the animals belonging to a given investigator should be achieved beforehand (i.e: upon arrival). This will enable prompt care of the animals belonging to that investigator, especially on the weekends and holidays. Inform the investigator that he or she is responsible for the cost of any medical treatments, including technician time per the Standard Charging Procedures for Veterinary Services. Dogs to be treated should be moved to individual cages whenever possible.
- For dogs intended for acute use, if it is determined that a mild or moderate illness warrants treatment, the veterinary technician or clinical veterinary resident must notify the investigator of the animal's condition and encourage treatment or use of the dog within 24 hours. If the animal cannot be used experimentally, the investigator must elect treatment or euthanasia.
- Exception: In the event that a mildly ill animal is observed on a weekend - the laboratory will be given 24 hours from the time of contact or until Monday afternoon - whichever is later to respond with regard to the options of treatment, animal use, or euthanasia. Palliative treatments may be instituted over the weekend without investigator approval if deemed medically necessary by a veterinarian.
- If mild injury or illness occurs, the animal's condition and examination findings are discussed with the investigator (or authorized laboratory personnel) prior to initiation of treatment. Based on veterinary recommendation and potential for study interference, the investigator may then elect treatment or euthanasia.
- If severe injury or illness occurs, the animal's condition and examination findings are discussed with the investigator (or authorized laboratory personnel). The options of treatment or terminal experimental use or harvest within 24 hours may be offered if appropriate, but immediate euthanasia may be required if it is deemed necessary for welfare purposes by a veterinarian.
- Cost Reimbursement: All diagnostic tests and veterinary technician time are NOT covered by standard per diem rates and will be recharged to the Principal Investigator.
- Initial Examination
- 2011 AHAA Canine Vaccination Guidelines. <> Released: 9/2011. Accessed: 1/29/14.
Species: Dogs
Topic: Quarantine and Conditioning
Questions or concerns about the content of this document should be directed to the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) at (734) 764-0277 or [email protected].