A printed form provided to truck drivers and husbandry personnel for intra-campus transfers.
Truck Slip
Technical Service Team. Part of the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM). E-mail address: [email protected].
A sterile liquid containing the growth products of, or specific substances extracted from the tubercule bacillus.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Applied generally to diseases caused by the tuberculous group of bacteria in the genus Mycobacteria.
Tumor Monitoring Exam
A hands-on exam evaluating for each animal for body condition score, hydration, general behavior, mobility and other contributors to the End-Stage Illness Scoring System in addition to any protocol-specific endpoints like tumor size or tumor ulceration.
Tumor Monitoring Records
A record maintained by investigative personnel that includes the dates and observation codes for animals with experimentally induced tumors. Detailed information on tumor monitoring can be found in the Guidelines and SOP on Tumor Monitoring.
U-M Affiliated Instructors/Demonstrators
U-M Affiliated Instructors/Demonstrators are individuals whose primary animal activity is the leading of teaching activities or demonstration of animals or animal procedures.
Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine. ULAM provides veterinary care to all animals housed on U-M’s campus. ULAM also manages animal ordering and acquisition, animal transport, animal husbandry and housing, personnel training, animal enrichment, and specialized research support services.
ULAM Approved Vendors
These are the larger vendors, which have a long history of robust health monitoring standards and communication of positive test results. The faculty veterinarians have established that animals from these vendors do not need to be quarantined upon arrival and can be sent directly to housing rooms. All purchase requests are handled by the ULAM Ordering Team.
ULAM Clinical Pathology laboratory
(formerly Animal Diagnostic Laboratory (ADL)
ULAM Clinical Pathology laboratory, a part of ULAM’s Pathology Core laboratory focusing on providing diagnostic support for the veterinary care program and recharge-based animal hematology and clinical chemistry services for non-clinical research projects at the University of Michigan.
ULAM Conditionally Approved Vendors
These are vendors which the faculty veterinarians have determined to meet the qualifications for providing high health status research animals. However, these vendors require ongoing evaluation to ensure their health monitoring standards remain high, due to an absence of history of health status communication. The Rodent Health Surveillance Team’s (RHST’s) faculty veterinarian and/or import coordinator will review the health reports and program descriptions routinely. As long as they have this status, animals from these vendors do not need to be quarantined upon arrival and can be sent directly to housing rooms. All purchase requests are handled by the ULAM Ordering Team.
ULAM Containment Coordinator
ULAM faculty member with oversight of issues related to animals administered substances known or suspected to be hazardous to humans.
ULAM Non-Approved Vendors
This is a subset of the Approved Vendor list. These are vendors which, for any of several reasons, the faculty veterinarians have not granted either “ULAM Approved Vendor” or “ULAM Conditionally Approved Vendor” status. Animals coming from these vendors must be quarantined upon arrival, and their receipt is coordinated by the RHST’s import coordinator. For large animal shipments, the import coordinator will work closely with the faculty veterinarians. Investigators have the option of purchasing animals from these vendors themselves and going through their departments to pay for them or having the RHST’s import coordinator work with the ULAM Business Office to do this for them.
- Obtaining rodents from non-approved vendors: Requests for rats and mice from non-approved vendors should be directed to the ULAM Rodent Health Surveillance Team.
- Obtaining USDA-regulated species from non-approved vendors: Requests for hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs and rabbits from non-approved vendors should be directed to the veterinary faculty for evaluation of the animal source.
ULAM Pathology Core
ULAM Pathology Core; a pathology core laboratory within the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine that provides diagnostic support for the veterinary care program and recharge-based pathology services in support of non-clinical research projects at the University of Michigan. ULAM Pathology core includes the Clinical Pathology lab (formerly Animal Diagnostic Laboratory or ADL).
Ultra-PAK (Bio-PAK Prefilter)
An air filtration/dessicator system attached to each rack, except in CC where there are 1-2 installed per pod. The Prefilter is a wire-rimmed filter that is removed, washed and replaced every two weeks. The Ultra-PAK system removes particulate matter from the air and maintains a constant specific level of humidity in the room.
Unhealthy Pup
A young animal that is hunched and scruffy, quiet, lethargic or otherwise appears sick.
Unknown Cause
Veterinary Technical Staff is unable to differentiate whether the condition is spontaneous or induced by research.
Soft but solid white chunks that get passed usually along with feces
United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service oversees activities involving the use of vertebrate animals at government-registered research institutions. The USDA receives its authority through federal law (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7 and 9). Veterinary Medical Officers enforcing the 7 and 9 CFRs inspect research organizations at least annually.
USDA-Regulated Species
A term that refers to animals whose care is governed by the Animal Welfare Act. USDA-regulated Species include all live or dead warm-blooded animals used in research except birds, rats of the genus Rattus, and mice of the genus Mus bred for research. This also excludes "cold-blooded" animals such as fish, reptiles, and amphibians.
Use Number
The number assigned to each individual order (e.g., F12345) and noted on both the preprinted cage card and the delivery schedule below the PI's name and account number.
The number of days the manufacturer recommends the use of a product after first accessed (e.g., opened, punctured) or diluted.
Common drugs that contain a use-by-date include carprofen, propofol and telazol.
The use-by-date is often found in the package insert.
United States Pharmacopeia.
Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP)
Used to decontaminate animal rooms and/or equipment by using high concentrations of vaporized hydrogen peroxide for an extended period.
Company selling animal(s) or supplies for animal care.
Ventilated Rack Blower Prefilter
An air filtration/dessicator system attached to each rack. The Prefilter is a wire-rimmed filter that is removed, washed and replaced every two weeks.
Veterinary Personnel
All ULAM veterinary technicians, veterinary residents, and faculty veterinarians.
Veterinary Recommendations
These recommendations are made when an animal needs to receive treatments or have medical procedures that are not listed on the animal use protocol and are not being administered directly by the ULAM veterinary staff as treatment for a clinical issue. These recommendations are specifically intended to address an animal's well-being and are not intended for experimental design manipulations unrelated to animal welfare.
Veterinary recommendations are most commonly requested when unexpected or undesired outcomes are occurring on already approved animal use protocols. Veterinary recommendations do not replace amendments to animal use protocols. Veterinary recommendations become a part of an animal's permanent medical record.
Viscous Adjuvant
An adjuvant that includes oil in its makeup.
Visual Examination
Examination performed while the non-human primate is awake in its cage.
Vivarium Dedicated Uniform (VDU)
Long sleeve t-shirts, VDU, or other clothing that is designated as personal protective equipment to be worn and laundered within the animal vivarium space.
Waste Manifest Form
Form provided by EHS to record the building, room number, and description of the hazard(s) placed within the designated EHS approved containers.
Young animal that has been weaned from their mother.
Xenopus laevis (X. laevis)
Also known as African Clawed frogs.
Xenopus tropicalis (X. tropicalis)
Also known as Silurana tropicalis or Western Clawed frogs.
Yellow or Potentially Contaminated Rooms
Previously contaminated animal room and is now believed to be free from any contaminants. Prior to contamination status release, surveillance results must confirm "clean" status. Certain viral outbreaks may have insufficient information regarding the virus and require animal rooms to placed in "potentially contaminated" state at the discretion of the area veterinarian.
Young Piglet
Any large breed pig between 15 and 40 pounds or miniature breed pig 4-8 weeks of age, which is not consuming milk replacer.
Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
A freshwater fish also known as Danio rerio.
Zoonotic Disease
Diseases that can be transmitted between humans and animals and animals to humans. Sheep may carry Orf and Q-fever, serious diseases that may affect personnel health (see Procedures to Reduce Human Exposure to Orf and Q Fever).